Developing with ZBOSS for Zigbee
Zigbee stack features

ZBOSS is a portable, high-performance Zigbee software protocol stack that can help you overcome the challenges of interoperability, customizing, testing, and optimizing your Zigbee solution.

This full-featured Zigbee PRO stack provides extensive support for protocols, available as binary, and offers other key advantages, including:

  • Optimization for minimal resource usage, robust execution, and high performance.
  • Cross-platform support, including multiple chips compliant with the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, operating systems, processors, and OS-less platforms.
  • Thoroughly-tested interoperability in the field.
  • Certification by Zigbee for Zigbee Compliant Platforms.

The ZBOSS stack implements the Zigbee 3.0 specification for all device roles: coordinator, router, and end device.

Zigbee 3.0 comes with the following features:

  • Zigbee core specification, Zigbee Pro feature set,
  • All device roles (ZC, ZR, ZED),
  • Zigbee Cluster Library (a specification for end devices),
  • Base Device Behavior,
  • Devices, described in former Zigbee Home Automation and Light Link profiles,
  • Zigbee Green Power,
  • Experimental support for ZCL Work With All Hubs (WWAH) cluster.

Supported Zigbee standards

The Zigbee stack follows the Zigbee 3.0 specification set:

  • MAC: 802.15.4-2011, IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks – Part 15.4: Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (LR-WPANs)
  • Zigbee Core Specification, revision 23
  • Zigbee BDB specification, version 3.0.1
  • Zigbee Cluster Library Specification, revision 8
  • Zigbee PRO Green Power feature, GP basic functionality set version 1.1.2
  • Zigbee Direct specification, version 1.0

Implemented features

The Zigbee stack includes all mandatory features of the Zigbee 3.0 specification and provides an Application Programming Interface to access different services (see Zigbee stack API overview).

The ZBOSS stack provides all mandatory Zigbee features needed for complete device implementation and Zigbee certification, such as device commissioning, Zigbee Device Object (ZDO), and cluster services access.