.. _nrf70_bm_samples: Samples ####### The nRF70 BM repo provides samples that specifically target Nordic Semiconductor devices and show how to implement typical use cases with Nordic Semiconductor libraries and drivers. Samples showcase a single feature or library. These samples are a good starting point for understanding how to put together your own application. The following samples are available: Scan ++++ The Scan sample demonstrates how to use the Nordic Semiconductor's Wi-Fi® chipset to scan for the access points without using the wpa_supplicant. For more information, see https://docs.nordicsemi.com/bundle/ncs-latest/page/nrf/samples/wifi/scan/README.html Radio test ++++++++++ The Radio test sample demonstrates how to use the Nordic Semiconductor's Wi-Fi® chipset to test the radio functionality. For more information, see https://docs.nordicsemi.com/bundle/ncs-latest/page/nrf/samples/wifi/radio_test/README.html Scan and Radio test combo +++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Scan and Radio test combo sample demonstrates how to switch between the Scan and Radio test operational modes, using different regulatory domains, at runtime. It does the following: * Uses the regulatory domain ``WIFI_REG_DOMAIN`` * Initializes radio test mode and does continuous TX for 5 seconds, followed by a display of the statistics. * Switches to scan mode and scans for the access points. * Changes the regulatory domain to ``WIFI_REG_DOMAIN_2`` and repeats the above steps.