.. _variant_sidewalk_dut: Device Under Test (DUT) ####################### This sample demonstrates how to use Sidewalk Device Under Test for the testing and evaluation purposes. Configuration options ********************* Before building the Device under test application variant of the Sidewalk end device, ensure you have enabled the ``OVERLAY_CONFIG="overlay-dut.conf"`` configuration. .. include:: ../../includes/include_kconfig_common.txt Building and running ******************** .. include:: ../../includes/include_building_and_running.txt Testing ======= #. After successfully building and flashing the sample is ready to use. You should see the following command-line prompt: .. code-block:: console uart$ #. To start testing the application, use the Sidewalk CLI (DUT). Type ``sid help`` and press enter to get the list of supported commands. .. include:: ../../ncs_links.rst