How to change SDK versions - nRF Connect for VS Code
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How to change SDK and toolchain versions

When a new version of the nRF Connect SDK is released, you might want to update you application in order to support all the latest features. Every new nRF Connect SDK version comes with a dedicated nRF Connect SDK Toolchain version.

To compile your application against a different version of either the SDK or the toolchain (or both), install that version and use the Set Active actions in the respective menu. Detailed steps depend on your application type and are listed below.


How to change a freestanding application SDK version

To change the nRF Connect SDK version used by a freestanding application:

  1. Install the desired nRF Connect SDK version using the Manage SDKs menu.
  2. Open the VS Code workspace that contains the application.
  3. Use one of the following options:
    • In the Welcome View, click Manage SDKs > Set Active SDK.
    • Open the Command Palette and type in the nRF Connect: Select nRF Connect SDK version command.
  4. Select the desired SDK version.
  5. Check in the modified VS Code workspace settings into version control.
  6. Run a Pristine Build.

How to change a workspace application SDK version

In order to change the nRF Connect SDK version used by a workspace application:

  1. Open the west manifest file west.yaml for editing by clicking the Open west manifest action under Manage west workspace in the Welcome View.
  2. Find the sdk-nrf project.
  3. Change the revision value to the desired version and save the file.
  4. Check in the modified west manifest into version control.
  5. Run the nRF Connect: West Update command from the Command Palette.
  6. Run a Pristine Build.

How to change the SDK Toolchain version

Both freestanding and workspace application types use the nRF Connect SDK Toolchain setting to resolve the toolchain path for building the application.

To change the nRF Connect SDK Toolchain version:

  1. Install the desired nRF Connect SDK Toolchain version using the Manage toolchains menu.
  2. Open the VS Code workspace that contains the application.
  3. Use one of the following options:
    • In the Welcome View, click Manage toolchains > Set Active Toolchain.
    • Open the Command Palette and type in the nRF Connect: Select nRF Connect SDK Toolchain command.
  4. Select the desired toolchain version.
  5. Check in the modified VS Code workspace settings into version control.
  6. Run a Pristine Build.