nRF Kconfig - nRF Connect for VS Code
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Version 2022.7.24

Welcome to the July 2022 release of nRF Kconfig for VS Code.

In this release, we have been working on improving the following areas:

Based on the feedback we received, we have made some adjustments and fixes to the nRF Kconfig GUI search functionality.

Removed prompt/ID filtering based on query format

We removed the search query filtering based on the query formatting, as this mechanism was too unpredictable. Now, all queries will match against both the prompt and the configuration ID, except if the query starts with CONFIG_.

Jump to invisible items

Previously, jumping to a hidden item from the search didn't toggle the Show hidden items button, so the item did not show up in the main menu when navigated to from the search. Now, showing hidden items will be turned on automatically when you navigate to an invisible item.

Small enhancements

We have made a number of small enhancements to the nRF Kconfig GUI:

  • Hovering over an item in the breadcrumbs at the top of the GUI now shows the full name of the item.
  • When clicking items in the breadcrumbs at the top of the GUI, the view now scrolls to that item instead of just selecting it.
  • The search bar now shows an indicator animation when searching.
  • It's now possible to jump to the search bar using either Ctrl-L or Ctrl-F.
  • History can now be navigated using the side buttons available on some mouses.

Minor bug fixes

Additionally, we have fixed several small bugs in the nRF Kconfig GUI:

  • Keyboard shortcuts did not work in some cases when searching for an item.
  • Keyboard shortcuts allowed expanding non-expandable checkboxes.
  • When searching, the path displayed in the result bar only showed the original value. If you searched for another item, the result bar did not update.

File associations

To make working with Kconfig files in VS Code easier, we have made some enhancements to the way VS Code renders and recognizes these files.

Kconfig file icons

Earlier this year, VS Code added support for setting default file icons for languages. These icons will now show up both in the file explorer and the tab list for Kconfig files.

Kconfig file icons

Recognize all Kconfig files

Previously, only files named "Kconfig" and a few other common names would be recognized as Kconfig files. Other file names would previously be assigned a language dynamically, but with the addition of VS Code's automatic language detection. This caused the extension's ability to dynamically recognize Kconfig files to be lost. We have tweaked the language definition slightly for this release to ensure that all Kconfig files would be recognized automatically, regardless of their suffix.

Status Bar notification for the project's .conf files not in context

If a project configuration file (such as a prj.conf file or similar) is in the active Editor window that does not belong to the active build configuration, then Kconfig features like completion, hover, and suggestions would not work or would be limited. To make it easier to determine when this happens, we have added a Status Bar message in orange that will warn you when the open configuration file is not part of the active build.

Kconfig: no context warning

Extension configuration

We have done a review of the extension's configuration entries, and have updated the help text.

Additionally, we have removed the following configuration options, as they are no longer in use:

  • kconfig.env
  • kconfig.root
  • kconfig.cfiles
  • kconfig.disable