nRF Terminal - nRF Connect for VS Code
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Version 2023.4.15

Welcome to the April 2023 release of the nRF Terminal extension.

This release, we have been working on improving the following areas:

nRF Terminal profile: Switched to native terminal

Up until now, the nRF Terminal has been using our own terminal implementation. This solution worked reasonably well, but has always led to some strange behavior. Recent changes to the Visual Studio Code API have made it possible to hook the nRF Terminal into the native Visual Studio Code terminal window, so in this release we have replaced our own implementation with the Visual Studio Code's own.

Native nRF Terminal

This brings a number of benefits:

  • Considerably increased performance and stability
  • Possibility to move Terminal around anywhere within the Visual Studio Code screen
  • Multiple terminals that can run at once
  • Full support for ANSI escape codes
  • Adoption of global terminal settings, such as font family and scrollback

You can access the new terminal in the same way as before, using either the Connected Devices View actions or the nRF Terminal commands in the Command Palette. Alternatively, you can now also start the new terminal using the nRF Connect and nRF Terminal launch profiles.


Since the standalone nRF Terminal window was removed, the Start Terminal With Previous Configuration command is no longer available as an icon in the UI. You now need to run it through the Command Palette.

As a result of this change, the nRF Terminal window in the Panel View is now deprecated and contains only a notification of the switch to the native Visual Studio Code terminal. The nRF Terminal window will be removed in one of the future releases.

nRF Terminal window with the notification of the switch


  • The minimum required version of VS Code has been increased to v1.66.