Developing with ZBOSS for Zigbee
Packet buffers pool

Data Structures

struct  zb_buf_hdr_s
struct  zb_mult_buf_s
struct  zb_leg_buf_s


#define ZB_BUF_INVALID   0U
#define TRACE_PROTO_VOID   void
#define TRACE_CALL
#define zb_buf_get(is_in, max_size)   zb_buf_get_func(TRACE_CALL (is_in), (max_size))
#define zb_buf_get_out()   zb_buf_get_out_func(TRACE_CALL_VOID)
#define zb_buf_get_any()   zb_buf_get_any_func(TRACE_CALL_VOID)
#define zb_buf_get_hipri(a)   zb_buf_get_hipri_func(TRACE_CALL (a))
#define zb_buf_get_max_size(a)   zb_buf_get_max_size_func(TRACE_CALL (a))
#define zb_buf_get_out_delayed(callback)   zb_buf_get_out_delayed_func(TRACE_CALL (callback))
 Allocate OUT buffer, call a callback when the buffer is available. More...
#define zb_buf_get_in_delayed(callback)   zb_buf_get_in_delayed_func(TRACE_CALL (callback))
 Allocate IN buffer, call a callback when the buffer is available. More...
#define zb_buf_get_out_delayed_ext(callback, arg, max_size)   zb_buf_get_out_delayed_ext_func(TRACE_CALL (callback),(arg),(max_size))
 Allocate OUT buffer, call a callback when the buffer is available. More...
#define zb_buf_get_in_delayed_ext(callback, arg, max_size)   zb_buf_get_in_delayed_ext_func(TRACE_CALL (callback),(arg),(max_size))
 Allocate IN buffer, call a callback when the buffer is available. More...
#define zb_buf_free(buf)   zb_buf_free_func(TRACE_CALL (buf))
 Free packet buffer and put it into free list. More...
#define zb_buf_begin(buf)   zb_buf_begin_func(TRACE_CALL (buf))
#define zb_buf_end(buf)   zb_buf_end_func(TRACE_CALL (buf))
#define zb_buf_len(buf)   zb_buf_len_func(TRACE_CALL (buf))
#define zb_buf_copy(dst_buf, src_buf)   zb_buf_copy_func(TRACE_CALL (dst_buf),(src_buf))
#define zb_buf_initial_alloc(buf, size)   zb_buf_initial_alloc_func(TRACE_CALL (buf),(size))
 Initial data space allocation in buffer. More...
#define zb_buf_reuse(buf)   zb_buf_reuse_func(TRACE_CALL (buf))
#define zb_buf_alloc_tail(buf, size)   zb_buf_alloc_tail_func(TRACE_CALL (buf),(size))
#define zb_buf_get_tail(buf, size)   zb_buf_get_tail_func(TRACE_CALL (buf),(size))
#define ZB_BUF_GET_PARAM(buf, type)   ((type *)zb_buf_get_tail_func(TRACE_CALL (buf), sizeof(type)))
#define zb_buf_cut_right(buf, size)   zb_buf_cut_right_func(TRACE_CALL (buf),(size))
#define zb_buf_cut_left(buf, size)   zb_buf_cut_left_func(TRACE_CALL (buf),(size))
#define zb_buf_alloc_right(buf, size)   zb_buf_alloc_right_func(TRACE_CALL (buf),(size))
#define zb_buf_alloc_left(buf, size)   zb_buf_alloc_left_func(TRACE_CALL (buf),(size))
#define zb_buf_flags_or(buf, val)   zb_buf_flags_or_func(TRACE_CALL (buf),(val))
#define zb_buf_flags_clr(buf, mask)   zb_buf_flags_clr_func(TRACE_CALL (buf),(mask))
#define zb_buf_flags_clr_encr(buf)   zb_buf_flags_clr_encr_func(TRACE_CALL (buf))
#define zb_buf_flags_get(buf)   zb_buf_flags_get_func(TRACE_CALL (buf))
#define zb_buf_get_status(buf)   zb_buf_get_status_func(TRACE_CALL (buf))
#define zb_buf_set_status(buf, status)   zb_buf_set_status_func(TRACE_CALL (buf), (zb_ret_t)(status))
#define zb_buf_get_handle(buf)   zb_buf_get_handle_func(TRACE_CALL (buf))
#define zb_buf_set_handle(buf, handle)   zb_buf_set_handle_func(TRACE_CALL (buf),(handle))
#define ZB_BUF_COPY_FLAG_APS_PAYLOAD(dst, src)


typedef struct zb_buf_hdr_s zb_buf_hdr_t
typedef struct zb_mult_buf_s zb_mult_buf_t
typedef struct zb_leg_buf_s zb_leg_buf_t
typedef zb_mult_buf_t zb_buf_ent_t
typedef zb_uint8_t zb_buffer_types_t
 Type for Buffer type (direction). More...
typedef zb_uint8_t zb_bufid_t
typedef zb_uint8_t zb_buf_flags_bm_t
 Type for buffer's internals flags bitmask. More...


 ZB_ASSERT_COMPILE_DECL ((sizeof(zb_buf_hdr_t) % sizeof(zb_uint32_t))==0)
 ZB_ASSERT_COMPILE_DECL ((ZB_OFFSETOF(zb_mult_buf_t, buf) % sizeof(zb_uint32_t))==0)
zb_bool_t zb_buf_is_oom_state (void)
void zb_buf_oom_trace (void)
zb_bool_t zb_buf_memory_low (void)
void zb_buf_set_mac_rx_need (zb_bool_t needs)
zb_bool_t zb_buf_get_mac_rx_need (void)
zb_bool_t zb_buf_have_rx_bufs (void)

Buffer type (direction)

#define ZB_OUT_BUFFER   0U
#define ZB_IN_BUFFER   1U

Buffer's internals flags bitmask

#define ZB_BUF_IS_IN   (1U << 0)
#define ZB_BUF_SECUR_NWK_ENCR   (1U << 1)
#define ZB_BUF_SECUR_APS_ENCR   (1U << 2)
#define ZB_BUF_SECUR_MAC_ENCR   (1U << 3)
#define ZB_BUF_USE_SAME_KEY   (1U << 4)
#define ZB_BUF_ZDO_CMD_NO_RESP   (1U << 5)
#define ZB_BUF_HAS_APS_PAYLOAD   (1U << 6)
#define ZB_BUF_HAS_APS_USER_PAYLOAD   (1U << 7)

Detailed Description

Packet buffers

The main idea is to be simple, CPU effective and eliminate data copy when possible (again, to decrease CPU load).

One of the main data structure of the ZBOSS stack is memory buffer, which is used for storing Zigbee packet. Zigbee packets has limited size (127 bytes). Zigbee packets are usually not fragmented, excluding fragmentation of big packets at APS layer. Extended buffers are used to store big packets.

To use extended buffers in application use zb_buf_get_out_delayed_ext() and zb_buf_get_in_delayed_ext() functions.

So, the same memory buffer can be used for a single packet going down-up or up-down between the user application and ZBOSS layers. Each layer or the application can modify the memory buffer: remove data partly or fully or add more data if there is free memory space in the buffer.

ZBOSS uses pre-defined pool of the fixed size memory buffers. The size of buffer pool can be changed, see more information about it in Memory configuration feature. A memory buffer consists of a header and a data buffer of 148 bytes. An application or the stack functions can get a single memory buffer from the pool (allocate the memory buffer) when it is necessary or put the buffer back when it is not needed anymore (release the memory buffer).

Every buffer has a header with these header fields:

To avoid data copying, the following technique is used: when a Zigbee packet moves up between the Zigbee layers, the data related to the lower layers is removed by modifying the data pointer and data length in the buffer header. When a Zigbee packet is passing down between the Zigbee layers, the initial data is stored not from the beginning of the data buffer, but in the middle, so some space is reserved before and after the data. Therefore, if a lower Zigbee layer puts some data to a header or to a tail, data copying is generally not required. However, if there is not enough space for a header or a tail, the existing data may be moved to the right or to the left.

Logically, the memory buffers are divided into 2 types: for in and out packets. Thus, the buffer pool allocates both 'in' and 'out' types of buffers. This approach helps prevent allocating of all the memory buffers for incoming or outgoing packets, only those that may block ZBOSS from sending or receiving respectively any data. Obviously, such blocking may cause a scenario where it is impossible to send an acknowledgement for the received packet and the packet will be retransmitted by a remote due to the lack of the acknowledgement.

Memory buffers are commonly used for passing parameters to ZBOSS API functions. The following technique is used: data space needed for storing the parameters is allocated in the memory buffer at the end of its data buffer. The limitation is that both a caller and called functions must be aware of the parameter sizes, so it makes it impossible to pass parameters with a variable length. Special helpers are provided for storing and getting parameters form the memory buffer: ZB_BUF_GET_PARAM().

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ zb_buf_alloc_left

#define zb_buf_alloc_left (   buf,
)    zb_buf_alloc_left_func(TRACE_CALL (buf),(size))

Allocate space at the beginning of buffer

buf- buffer ID
size- size to allocate
pointer to new data begin

◆ zb_buf_alloc_right

#define zb_buf_alloc_right (   buf,
)    zb_buf_alloc_right_func(TRACE_CALL (buf),(size))

Allocate space at buffer end

buf- buffer ID
size- size to allocate
pointer to allocated data data begin

◆ zb_buf_alloc_tail

#define zb_buf_alloc_tail (   buf,
)    zb_buf_alloc_tail_func(TRACE_CALL (buf),(size))

Alloc buffer tail of size 'size', initialize by zero.

Usually used to place external information (some parameters) to the buffer.

buf- buffer ID
size- requested size. Must met already allocated size.
pointer to the buffer tail or NULL is buffer has no parameter of such size.

◆ zb_buf_begin

#define zb_buf_begin (   buf)    zb_buf_begin_func(TRACE_CALL (buf))

Return pointer to data stored in buffer

buf- buffer ID
pointer to beginning of data in buffer

◆ zb_buf_copy

#define zb_buf_copy (   dst_buf,
)    zb_buf_copy_func(TRACE_CALL (dst_buf),(src_buf))

Copy one buffer to another

dst_buf- destination buffer
src_buf- source buffer


do { \
if ((zb_buf_flags_get((src)) & ZB_BUF_HAS_APS_PAYLOAD) != 0U) \
{ \
zb_buf_flags_or((dst), ZB_BUF_HAS_APS_PAYLOAD); \
{ \
zb_buf_flags_or((dst), ZB_BUF_HAS_APS_USER_PAYLOAD); \
} \
} \
} while(0)

◆ zb_buf_cut_left

#define zb_buf_cut_left (   buf,
)    zb_buf_cut_left_func(TRACE_CALL (buf),(size))

Cut space at the beginning of buffer

buf- buffer ID
size- size to cut
pointer to the new data begin

◆ zb_buf_cut_right

#define zb_buf_cut_right (   buf,
)    zb_buf_cut_right_func(TRACE_CALL (buf),(size))

Cut space at the end of buffer

buf- buffer ID
size- size to cut

◆ zb_buf_end

#define zb_buf_end (   buf)    zb_buf_end_func(TRACE_CALL (buf))

Return pointer to the data section end

buf- buffer ID
pointer to the first byte after data in the buffer

◆ zb_buf_flags_clr

#define zb_buf_flags_clr (   buf,
)    zb_buf_flags_clr_func(TRACE_CALL (buf),(mask))

Clear buffer' flags by mask by doing flags = flags & ~mask

buf- buffer ID
mask- value to be cleared from the flags -
See also

◆ zb_buf_flags_clr_encr

#define zb_buf_flags_clr_encr (   buf)    zb_buf_flags_clr_encr_func(TRACE_CALL (buf))

Clear buffer's flags related to encryption

That function calls zb_buf_flags_clr(buf, ZB_BUF_SECUR_ALL_ENCR)

buf- buffer ID

◆ zb_buf_flags_get

#define zb_buf_flags_get (   buf)    zb_buf_flags_get_func(TRACE_CALL (buf))

Get buffer's flags byte

buf- buffer ID
flags value -
See also

◆ zb_buf_flags_or

#define zb_buf_flags_or (   buf,
)    zb_buf_flags_or_func(TRACE_CALL (buf),(val))

Add bits to the buffer's flags

buf- buffer ID
val- value to be ORed with buffer' flags

◆ zb_buf_free

#define zb_buf_free (   buf)    zb_buf_free_func(TRACE_CALL (buf))

Free packet buffer and put it into free list.

Can be called from the main loop.

buf- buffer ID

◆ zb_buf_get

#define zb_buf_get (   is_in,
)    zb_buf_get_func(TRACE_CALL (is_in), (max_size))

Synchronous buffer allocation. If no buffers available, does not block. Note: this is low-level API. Usually user calls blocked alloc API.

is_inif ZB_TRUE, allocate IN buffer, else allocate OUT buffer
max_sizerequired maximum buffer payload size (in bytes). It can be bigger or smaller than the default buffer size. Depending on the specific value, the buffer pool may decide to use a fraction of buffer or long buffers. Special value 0 means "single default buffer".
buffer ID or ZB_BUF_INVALID if no buffers available

◆ zb_buf_get_any

#define zb_buf_get_any ( )    zb_buf_get_any_func(TRACE_CALL_VOID)

Allocate IN or OUT buffer balancing @ of allocated IN and OUT

To be used at ZBOSS init time.

◆ zb_buf_get_handle

#define zb_buf_get_handle (   buf)    zb_buf_get_handle_func(TRACE_CALL (buf))

Get 'handle' field of the buffer's header

buf- buffer ID
handle field value

◆ zb_buf_get_hipri

#define zb_buf_get_hipri (   a)    zb_buf_get_hipri_func(TRACE_CALL (a))

Synchronous allocation of the high-priority buffer

◆ zb_buf_get_in_delayed

#define zb_buf_get_in_delayed (   callback)    zb_buf_get_in_delayed_func(TRACE_CALL (callback))

Allocate IN buffer, call a callback when the buffer is available.

Use default buffer size _func(alloc single standard buffer). If buffer is available, schedules callback for execution immediately. If no buffers are available now, schedule callback later, when buffer will be available.

callback- callback to call.
RET_OK or error code.

◆ zb_buf_get_in_delayed_ext

#define zb_buf_get_in_delayed_ext (   callback,
)    zb_buf_get_in_delayed_ext_func(TRACE_CALL (callback),(arg),(max_size))

Allocate IN buffer, call a callback when the buffer is available.

If buffer is available, schedules callback for execution immediately. If no buffers are available now, schedule callback later, when buffer will be available.

callback- callback to call.
arg- second argument for a callback
max_sizerequired maximum buffer payload size (in bytes). The buffer payload size is the sum of both data and parameters, so the max_size parameter should reflect this. It can be bigger or smaller than the default buffer size. Depending on the specific value, the buffer pool may decide to use a fraction of buffer or long buffers. If the value is set to 0, the payload size will be equal to the size of a single default buffer.
RET_OK if allocation has successfully scheduled. RET_ERROR if there is no room to schedule buffer allocation. RET_OUT_OF_RANGE if buffer with such payload size can't be allocated.

◆ zb_buf_get_max_size

#define zb_buf_get_max_size (   a)    zb_buf_get_max_size_func(TRACE_CALL (a))

Return maximum data size for that buffer.

◆ zb_buf_get_out

#define zb_buf_get_out ( )    zb_buf_get_out_func(TRACE_CALL_VOID)

Allocate OUT buffer of the default size.

◆ zb_buf_get_out_delayed

#define zb_buf_get_out_delayed (   callback)    zb_buf_get_out_delayed_func(TRACE_CALL (callback))

Allocate OUT buffer, call a callback when the buffer is available.

Use default buffer size _func(alloc single standard buffer). If buffer is available, schedules callback for execution immediately. If no buffers are available now, schedule callback later, when buffer will be available.

callback- callback to call.
RET_OK or error code.

◆ zb_buf_get_out_delayed_ext

#define zb_buf_get_out_delayed_ext (   callback,
)    zb_buf_get_out_delayed_ext_func(TRACE_CALL (callback),(arg),(max_size))

Allocate OUT buffer, call a callback when the buffer is available.

If buffer is available, schedules callback for execution immediately. If no buffers are available now, schedule callback later, when buffer will be available.

callback- callback to call.
arg- second argument for a callback
max_size- required maximum buffer payload size (in bytes). The buffer payload size is the sum of both data and parameters, so the max_size parameter should reflect this. It can be bigger or smaller than the default buffer size. Depending on the specific value, the buffer pool may decide to use a fraction of buffer or long buffers. If the value is set to 0, the payload size will be equal to the size of a single default buffer.
RET_OK if allocation has successfully scheduled. RET_ERROR if there is no room to schedule buffer allocation. RET_OUT_OF_RANGE if buffer with such payload size can't be allocated.


#define ZB_BUF_GET_PARAM (   buf,
)    ((type *)zb_buf_get_tail_func(TRACE_CALL (buf), sizeof(type)))

Get buffer tail of size sizeof(type)

Usually used to place external information _func(some parameters) to the buffer

[in]buf- buffer ID
[in]type- data type that will be placed at the buffer end
pointer to the buffer tail casted to _func(type*)


void device_ieee_addr_req(zb_uint8_t param, zb_uint16_t dev_idx)
zb_bufid_t buf = param;
if (dev_idx != ERL_GW_INVALID_DEV_INDEX)
req_param->nwk_addr = g_device_ctx.devices[dev_idx].short_addr;
req_param->dst_addr = req_param->nwk_addr;
req_param->start_index = 0;
req_param->request_type = 0;
zb_zdo_ieee_addr_req(buf, device_ieee_addr_req_cb);
TRACE_MSG(TRACE_APP2, "No devices in discovery state were found!", (FMT__0));

◆ zb_buf_get_status

#define zb_buf_get_status (   buf)    zb_buf_get_status_func(TRACE_CALL (buf))

Get 'status' field of the buffer's header

buf- buffer ID
status field value

◆ zb_buf_get_tail

#define zb_buf_get_tail (   buf,
)    zb_buf_get_tail_func(TRACE_CALL (buf),(size))

Get or allocate buffer tail of size 'size'. Do not initialize.

Usually used to get or place external information (some parameters) to the buffer.

buf- buffer ID
size- requested size
pointer to the buffer tail


#define ZB_BUF_HAS_APS_PAYLOAD   (1U << 6)

Flag to indicate whether the buffer contains any APS payload


#define ZB_BUF_HAS_APS_USER_PAYLOAD   (1U << 7)

Flag to indicate whether the buffer contains APS user payload

◆ zb_buf_initial_alloc

#define zb_buf_initial_alloc (   buf,
)    zb_buf_initial_alloc_func(TRACE_CALL (buf),(size))

Initial data space allocation in buffer.

Allocate space in the buffer center (keep space in both buffer head and tail). Use it at upper layers before filling buffer by data. Old buffer contents is lost.

buf- buffer ID
size- size to allocate
pointer to buffer data begin

◆ zb_buf_len

#define zb_buf_len (   buf)    zb_buf_len_func(TRACE_CALL (buf))

Return current buffer length

buf- buffer ID
size of data placed in buffer

◆ zb_buf_reuse

#define zb_buf_reuse (   buf)    zb_buf_reuse_func(TRACE_CALL (buf))

Reuse buffer data space by setting data start and length to 0 and zeroing buffer contents

buf- buffer ID
pointer to the buf data buffer begin


#define ZB_BUF_SECUR_APS_ENCR   (1U << 2)

APS encryption. Analyze APS header to define which key to use


#define ZB_BUF_SECUR_MAC_ENCR   (1U << 3)

MAC encryption - for 802.15.4 certification only



No encryption


#define ZB_BUF_SECUR_NWK_ENCR   (1U << 1)

NWK frame encryption

◆ zb_buf_set_handle

#define zb_buf_set_handle (   buf,
)    zb_buf_set_handle_func(TRACE_CALL (buf),(handle))

Set 'handle' field of the buffer's header

buf- buffer ID
handle- 'handle' field value

◆ zb_buf_set_status

#define zb_buf_set_status (   buf,
)    zb_buf_set_status_func(TRACE_CALL (buf), (zb_ret_t)(status))

Set 'status' field of the buffer's header

buf- buffer ID
status- new status field value


#define ZB_IN_BUFFER   1U

In buffer


#define ZB_OUT_BUFFER   0U

Out buffer

Typedef Documentation

◆ zb_buf_flags_bm_t

Type for buffer's internals flags bitmask.

holds one of buf_flags_bm. Kept only for backward compatibility as buf_flags_bm were declared previously as enum. Can be removed in future releases.

◆ zb_buf_hdr_t

typedef struct zb_buf_hdr_s zb_buf_hdr_t

Packet buffer header.

◆ zb_buffer_types_t

Type for Buffer type (direction).

Holds one of buffer_types. Kept for backward compatibility as buffer_types were declared previously as enum.

◆ zb_bufid_t

Buffer handler

◆ zb_leg_buf_t

typedef struct zb_leg_buf_s zb_leg_buf_t

Packet buffer (legacy)

◆ zb_mult_buf_t

typedef struct zb_mult_buf_s zb_mult_buf_t

Packet buffer

Function Documentation

◆ zb_buf_get_mac_rx_need()

zb_bool_t zb_buf_get_mac_rx_need ( void  )

Get "mac needs more buffers" flag.

To be used internally by ZBOSS.

"mac needs more buffers" flag value

◆ zb_buf_is_oom_state()

zb_bool_t zb_buf_is_oom_state ( void  )

Check if buffer pool is in Out Of Memory (OOM) state

ZB_TRUE if ZBOSS is in OOM state

◆ zb_buf_memory_low()

zb_bool_t zb_buf_memory_low ( void  )

Check if buffer pool is close to Out Of Memory (OOM) state

ZB_TRUE if ZBOSS is nearly in OOM state

◆ zb_buf_oom_trace()

void zb_buf_oom_trace ( void  )

Trace buffer statistics into ZBOSS trace

◆ zb_buf_set_mac_rx_need()

void zb_buf_set_mac_rx_need ( zb_bool_t  needs)

Set or reset "mac needs more buffers" flag.

To be used internally by ZBOSS.

needs- new "mac needs more buffers" flag value
Definition: zboss_api_buf.h:508
unsigned char zb_uint8_t
Project-local 1-byte unsigned int type.
Definition: zb_types.h:147
#define TRACE_MSG(lm, fmts, args)
Put trace output.
Definition: zb_trace.h:369
zb_uint16_t dst_addr
Definition: zboss_api_zdo.h:1716
zb_uint8_t start_index
Definition: zboss_api_zdo.h:1722
zb_uint8_t request_type
Definition: zboss_api_zdo.h:1719
zb_uint8_t zb_zdo_ieee_addr_req(zb_uint8_t param, zb_callback_t cb)
IEEE_addr_req primitive.
#define ZB_BUF_GET_PARAM(buf, type)
Definition: zboss_api_buf.h:457
Parameters for ieee_addr_req command.
Definition: zboss_api_zdo.h:1714
#define zb_buf_flags_get(buf)
Definition: zboss_api_buf.h:559
unsigned short zb_uint16_t
Project-local 2-byte unsigned int type.
Definition: zb_types.h:151
Definition: zboss_api_buf.h:509
#define zb_buf_free(buf)
Free packet buffer and put it into free list.
Definition: zboss_api_buf.h:344
zb_uint8_t zb_bufid_t
Definition: zboss_api_buf.h:178
zb_uint16_t nwk_addr
Definition: zboss_api_zdo.h:1717