Developing with ZBOSS for Zigbee


void zboss_use_r22_behavior (void)
void zboss_use_r23_behavior (void)
void zb_nwk_use_r22_joining (zb_bool_t value)

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ zb_nwk_use_r22_joining()

void zb_nwk_use_r22_joining ( zb_bool_t  value)

Use r22 joining instead nwk commissioning request

value- if true, then mac association or rejoin_req will be used

◆ zboss_use_r22_behavior()

void zboss_use_r22_behavior ( void  )

Switch to the legacy r22 joining by association, key update by Transport Key

/* Disable all R23 functions. The device will behave like r22 router.
* Just to demonstrate how legacy device join to R23 ZC */

◆ zboss_use_r23_behavior()

void zboss_use_r23_behavior ( void  )

Enable using of r23 joining featires: NWK Commissioning then DLK.

/* zboss_use_r23_behavior() sets all key negotiation methods and PSK secrets
* by default. That call is here just for a demo. ZBOSS in r23 mode by
* default. */
void zboss_use_r23_behavior(void)
void zboss_use_r22_behavior(void)